About This Blog

I just started this blog out of a need to be really real.

I have another blog. And I'm real on there, but I try to keep that one functioning in a way that might help someone else with specific topics. And I've often felt uncomfortable with just sharing my every day life on there. I feel like people come there for specific reasons unrelated to my memories and children.

So this blog I'm treating like a diary. I might not always give you a back story. I might not give you enough details to make it make sense. I'm recording things for me.

When my oldest was born, I felt like I needed to say all happy things. I wanted her to grow up feeling loved. But I'm starting to think that my kids are gonna feel more loved if I am honest. So when they grow up and says things like "How did you get through the endless days of no sleep?" they can look at this and say, "yeah it is hard, but it is worth it" and "my mom did it, I can do it too."

I don't have a whole game plan for this blog.
Some times I might just whine and moan.
And other times I plan to write out the good things, the gifts, even if I don't feel like it, because somedays I really need that perspective.
And I also just wanna write out cute things my girls do, so I can remember them like this and how sweet they are. (Or alternatively, how trying they simultaneously were. ;) )

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