Thursday, September 12, 2013

Ruby is cute

Man oh man, is she cute.

Just this bubble.
She feels deep. And mostly she feels happy.
She can get disappointed. And that makes her throw the stereotyped head thrown back, body on floor tantrum.
But that usually just happens a couple times a day when she gets told she can't eat my phone (or something like that.)

She's learning SO much right now.
She seems so much older to me right now, than I remember thinking Jasmine was at this age.
Probably because I'm more willing to admit she is as old as she is. But also probably also is kinda older because she has an older sister to teach her all sorts of stuff I didn't think Jasmine was ready for (being a first time mom, not knowing how smart kids are.)

She is definitely more into talking than Jasmine was.
She knows SO many words already.

I can't even think of them all.
And she tries to say so many more words than she actually has. Sometimes she gets time. Sometimes I can just guess them.
Here's a list of the ones I can think of off hand:

  • Ni' ni'
  • Mom & Momma
  • Dada
  • Nanana (Banana)
  • Nanananaana (Granana-- My mom)
  • She calls her pacifier "Dat"
  • Ball
  • Duice (Juice)
  • Byebye
  • Up (Which is said on repeat very vigorously)
  • She says her name -- for the sake of this blog I'll pretend her Name is Ruby Gem, so she would say something like "Ra Ba Ja"
  • Hot
  • Boomboom
  • uhhohh
  • braba (Brown Bear -- the current fav toy)
  • eee--ee (eat-eat)
  • I think she's been trying to say Jasmine, but I'm not sure
At night time she loves to talk to me.  I take her in her room and sit in the rocking chair and nurse her. Then I sing Jesus loves me on repeat while she gets sleepy. (She knows the song from me signing it to Jasmine while I was pregnant. She doesn't like me to sing other songs, they make her wake up instead of get sleepy.) But lately she's been trying to chat with me. I think its because its really her only one on one time with me. She likes to just start saying ANY word she can think of and see if she gets a response from me. At first I usually try to ignore her so I can get her to sleep. But she always breaks me. I end up laughing and laughing with her. She LOVES to laugh. She loves to laugh with me. And I can't help myself. I totally see her getting away with stuff once she's older because she figures out how to make me laugh. (I'm gonna have to watch myself.) She loves me to give her kisses and nosey nuzzies. We have a good time together in the near dark before bed. Some of that time is me spending wishing I could get her down faster, because soon after I need to get her sister down, and I so would like some of my own time. But then she goes and makes me laugh again, and I forget that for a few more minutes.

She is obsessed with Baths and just seeing the bathtub, or hearing the water running, she starts trying to pull her shirt off. (Which is just her yanking on it and yelling "eeehhhhh aahhhheehh.")

She loves Jasmine.
Jasmine usually sleeps in til 8 or 8:30. Ruby likes to wake up around 6:30. Usually around 7:00 I have to start keeping her from knocking (aka pounding) on Jasmines door and yelling.
Jasmine is kinda hard for Ruby to play with right now because they aren't at the same stage and Jasmine just thinks Ruby is stealing everything (cause well, she kinda is.) But all that doesn't stop Ruby from really just cheering Jasmine up sometimes.
There will be moments where they will both just start cracking each other up. That might just be my favorite thing in the world. Especially when they do that in the car. 

She LOVES her daddy. She is such a daddy's girl. Jasmine still was sort of ambivalent towards Blake at this stage. But Ruby has been obsessed with her daddy from day one. 
I remember one night I was trying to get her to sleep and he got home from work late. She was almost alseep in my arms, but she heard his voice as he greeted Jasmine and Ruby sat straight up in my arms and yelled at the top of her lungs "DAAAAAAAA---DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA." I just laughed and set her down -- there was no sleeping at that moment. And she RAN down the hallway to him.

She is just so much cuteness. She's easy to get along with.

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